
02NovThe Gondoliers and Utopia, Limited open in GlasgowD'Oyly Carte Opera's co-production with Scottish Opera has opened in Glasgow at the Theatre Royal. After a delay of almost 20 months, both productions received their premieres last week in Scottish Opera's base theatre. Audiences have been very enthusiastic to...The Gondoliers and Utopia, Limited open in Glasgow
28JulWe’re back!…In March 2020, we were just days from starting rehearsals for our next collaboration with Scottish Opera. Sets had been constructed and erected in the rehearsal hall in Glasgow. Costumes had been made and were ready for first fittings when...We’re back!…
25SepD’Oyly Carte Music Hire Library has moved to GlasgowThe D’Oyly Carte Music Hire Library will now be managed by Scottish Opera in Glasgow. In recent weeks we have packaged up all the contents of the library into 86 creates and transported them to Glasgow. Scottish Opera has its...D’Oyly Carte Music Hire Library has moved to Glasgow
31MarOffice ClosureOwing to the ongoing Covid19 situation, the D'Oyly Carte Office is currently closed and unstaffed. Phone calls cannot be answered. All enquiries should be made by email to: ...until further notice. Do bear with us during this difficult time...Office Closure
17MarThe Gondoliers and Utopia, LimitedFollowing the closure of theatres nationwide in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is with the greatest regret we announce that all production plans for The Gondoliers and Utopia, Limited this year have been cancelled until further notice. DC...The Gondoliers and Utopia, Limited
02Jan125th Anniversary of Wolverhampton Grand TheatreOn 26th November, D'Oyly Carte presented an evening of Gilbert and Sullivan at the Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton in celebration of their 125th anniversary. On December 10th, 1894, D'Oyly Carte had opened the theatre with a performance of Utopia, Limited...125th Anniversary of Wolverhampton Grand Theatre
05NovPerformers WorkshopsOur collaboration with English Touring Opera to bring Performers Workshops to as wide an audience as possible is half-way completed. Bradley Travis and Gaynor Keeble facilitate the workshop with enthusiasm and a wide breadth of experience. Here are some pictures...Performers Workshops
03SepSingers Workshops 2019This autumn we will be running our singers workshops in collaboration with English Touring Opera, as we did last year. The workshop called, 'I have a song to sing O!' will be available for teenagers and young adults at a...Singers Workshops 2019